Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Done....well, sort of.

Holy exam week(s)!  Sorry I have not had the chance to post anything new...you can blame school for that! What a crazy past two weeks this has been!! Thank the good Lord that exams are now behind me, and only one more semester left of my collegiate career!  In only two weeks, I have learned so many lessons that I just had to talk about here in the good ole blog!

First, umm...hello ridiculous amount of news!! First, tornadoes, a royal wedding, and then the death of Osama bin Ladin. Even though I do not have cable (which is awful, no one should ever do that), every social networking site exploded at the announcement of each of these events.  I'm thankful I at least have the Internet to keep me connected to the world!  
  • To the families of victims in those deadly tornadoes, my thoughts and prayers are with each of you!! It is times like these that remind us that we have very little control over this world, even though we like to think we do.  I hope that disasters such as this will only unite us all together in hope so that we can work through this sad time together in order to bring a brighter tomorrow to those who are hurting. 
  • On a happier note, the Royal Wedding was a burst of needed "happy" news, which is lacking in our media.  Even though I did not get up at 4am to watch it (I had already pulled too many all-nighters that week for exams), watching the highlights of it warmed my soul!  What a beautiful sight to see!  Even though I heard many females crying over the loss of a single Prince William, I think we can all agree that Kate looked gorgeous and stole the show! 
Don't we look great? 
  • Now to the news that seemed to stop time.  In the middle of studying for an exam, all of a sudden, my Facebook news feed blows up along with my Twitter feed with chants of USA! USA! USA! and Team America, etc.  The death of Osama bin Ladin had taken over the Internet, and my studying.  I had so many mixed emotions.  I can remember exactly where I was in the 7th grade when my teacher turned on the news to show planes plowing into the Twin Towers.  My blood began to boil and I was actually glad that he was dead.  After waking up the next morning, I found myself convicted for celebrating the death of someone.  Even though he deserved what he got, that does not mean we should celebrate that specifically.  So I am going to take the time now to celebrate the fact that we are blessed to have such amazing troops giving their lives for our country and to defend us from terrorism. Thank you to all the men and women who keep us safe!  

Now, Ben and I went to another wedding this weekend that was just as beautiful as any royal affair!  Congratulations to James and Natalie Neal!! I hope you all enjoyed your absolutely perfect day!! It was wonderful to be able to see some PC faces again!! That 12 hour trip in 24 hours was totally worth it!! 

For those of you still suffering through exams, here is a happy thought for you!  And for those of you who are  living the dream of summer, this is also for you!  And for those of you who are graduated and realize that you no longer have summer vacations, guess what....this is for you! Hope it brings a smile to your face! :) 

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa 

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