Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thank you

Isn't it crazy how things just seem to fall easily into place sometimes? I do not know about you, but I definitely take those things for granted!  Sometimes, I am so focused on what is going wrong or what I wish was different that I miss the wonderful gift that is right in front of my face.  Life in Charleston has changed my perspective in a way that I never imagined possible!  

You see, when I was at Presbyterian College, I thought life was good.  Life was pretty easy (besides the schoolwork).  And I did not realize that the life changes that were happening to me at PC were simply preparing me for what I would face here in the Chuck.  God's good like that, you know?  Let me give some examples:
  • I believe Ben and I were brought together at just the right time because God knew that we would need to help each other get through the transition of transferring mid-Junior year of college.  I do not know how I could have gotten through those first months without him! (And some pretty awesome roommates too!)
  • Work opportunities popped up out of nowhere that helped me get by in such an expensive city!  I have never had occupations simply fall into my lap before, let alone work that will help me in my future career!  Thank you CofC Communication Department!  
  • Just when I thought I was on my own with my spiritual journey in Charleston, God placed just the right amazing people in my path that continued to motivate me and have fellowship with me.  What encouragement God has provided for me!! 
  • Just when I thought God was done being so good to me, he brings my sister to town!  I am so blessed to have my sister and best friend living in the same town as me! (Especially since she has cable--Hello HGTV!)
You know, during stressful times like these (I know all you students out there know what I'm talking about) it is always nice to really open your eyes to the awesome that has happened and is still happening today.  As I am typing this, I am reminded to tell the Big Guy Upstairs, "Thank you!".  Even in the midst of any circumstance, there is always something to be thankful for.  Continue to dwell on that thought until happiness consumes you!  This is my challenge for you all!  

"I believe that I shall see the GOODNESS of the LORD in the land of the living!" -Psalm 27:13

Oh my, I can already feel the summer heat, visualize the inside of my eyelids from being able to sleep in every once in a while and am getting so excited about reading every Harry Potter book before the final movie comes out in July (that one is bitter-sweet).  The joys of summer are so close, yet seem so far away!  We can do this guys!!  If this video doesn't brighten your day, I honestly do not know what will! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happiness Begins with a Smile

It's that time of the year...exam time.  For most people my age, this is a time to rejoice because it means that these exams are the last exams that they will ever take! (unless they go to graduate school, of course.)  Since I transferred from a private collage to a public college, I lost about a semester's worth of credits...yeah. But, instead of wallowing in self-pity, I am going to take this time to look at the positives.  Hmm...since the economy is still attempting to come out of the hole, I do not mind waiting a tad bit longer to become an official "adult", and maybe graduating in December will be like a jolly Christmas present. I will just keep telling myself these things while so many cool people walk across the stage this May! 

Now that March Madness is over, the Bridge Run is over and too many tourists are flooding the city of Charleston, I am officially ready for summer to be here!  It is such a tease to be inside from 9-5 and watch people soaking up all that Vitamin D outside.  Now, all you graduates who say that everyone who has a job has to deal with the same thing...let me remind you of one thing you have forgotten. Homework.  It is like having another job once you get out of your first job.  AND students have to pay to work instead of getting paid to work.   Ah, I feel better now that I have vented to all you wonderful people.

"Peace begins with a Smile"-Mother Teresa

Ok, so for those of you who knew me at Presbyterian College, I was that girl who was up and ready for her earliest class smiling at every person I passed.  I'm sorry if that was thoroughly annoying to any of you blue hose!  But, the logic behind that nonsense was that maybe, just maybe, I could brighten someone else's day with a genuine smile.  For the most part, the smile was reciprocated.  It always brought a little more joy into my day when I got a smile back.  Well, as soon as I stepped foot into Charleston, that all changed!  People do NOT want you to smile at them, and they sure as heck do not want to smile back at you.  This was a big change for me to deal with over the past year.  Now, let me be clear, over the past months there have been many people that I have gotten to know and they are wonderful and they smile all the time!  But, it was a very hard transition for me when I first arrived here last January.

Just think about it, you have absolutely no idea of what is going on in people's lives that you pass everyday. Sometimes, all people need is to see a light somewhere during their day.  Maybe it's a smile, maybe it's a nice gesture or maybe it's just acknowledging someone's presence.  There is so much darkness in this world that we live in that we need to try our hardest to shine brightly in order to remind people of the good that is still happening.  One thing I have noticed is that when I stop focusing only on myself so much and make an effort to think of others, my day actually gets better too!  Got to love those God-moment endorphins!

This is my challenge for you (and for me!)...especially during this final crunch time filled with debbi-downing exams/projects/massive papers:  try to find something to be happy about!  When we take the time to remember the always outweighs the not-so-good! 

"When you focus on what you don't have or on situations that displease you, your mind also becomes darkened.  You take for granted life, salvation, sunshine, flowers, and countless other gifts from Me." -Jesus Calling

If each person focuses on something good, and tries to share that good with other people then we would have a lot more happy people with happy things to think about!...just a thought to leave you with! Here's a happy picture to start off your fantastic weekend!

(stole this from Ellen's twitpic album!)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Holy Cow! What a Weekend!

Hello and Happy Sunday everyone!! I am overjoyed at the moment because this weekend has been one of the greatest all semester!! So many wonderful things happened that I just have to share with you.  Let's get to it..

1.  The Thorn:  The BEST birthday present ever!! (Thank you, Ben!) This play was a mixture of "The Passion of the Christ" and cirque du soleil, which equals an incredible performance!  On Friday night, Ben and I went to the opening show of "The Thorn".  I did not know what to expect except that everyone who had already seen it absolutely loved it.  I was told to bring tissues (which I forgot), and definitely needed them throughout the show.  What a wonderful reminder of the greatest story ever told!  I was deeply humbled throughout the show, and was constantly reminded of how much each and every one of us is loved so much by God.  Seeing the pain and punishment that Jesus endured for each of us (including our rotton sins), broke my heart.  But, the great thing about this story is that there is no need for any broken hearts because Jesus defeats death, defeats Satan and defeats sin.  Woot Woot!  We do not need to be sad...we need to be celebrating!!!  (

So...let's just say that "The Thorn" gave me the right perspective before the Cooper River Bridge Run the next morning...

2.  The Cooper River Bridge Run:  Where do I begin!? all starts at 4am...with my pack of oatmeal, bananas and water, I head towards Calhoun Street to find the numerous busses waiting to haul over 34,000 people over to Mount Pleasant.  I love meeting new people each year when waiting hours before race time.  It is a great way to simmer the nervous butterflies that always flutter constantly in my stomach before a race.  This year, I got to meet a silver fox of a man that had many marathons under his belt, two awesome women who make their 40's look amazing, and a man from NY who was so happy to be somewhere that did not include snow.  Finally, at 8am the gun sounded and the Kenyans took off! (They only need about 25-30 minutes to beast that 10k). 

The weather was absolutely perfect and my legs were feeling good until I was about 3/4 up the bridge...I thought my calves and quads were going to explode any second.  These are the moments in life where you realize that you cannot rely on your own strength.  I remember begging God to just give my legs a little bit more juice so I could get to the glorious downhill part of the bridge!  Lo and behold, just as I am about to give in, He gets me to the downhill portion!  It's all a mental battle from there...and NOTHING is as bad as going up that bridge so the last 2.5 miles are possible!  The one really lame thing that the creaters of the Bridge Run course did was tease the runners with the last .2 miles.  You think you're finished because there's this huge sign that says you're at mile 6 (and looks like a Finish Line banner), yet you are fooled.  You still have .2 more miles to push before you can fall over!  After 49:32 minutes I crossed that glorious line! But, nothing is better than the feeling of crossing that finish line and seeing the vast array of bagels, muffins, fruit and water before you!  Next year, I'm bringing a grocery bag with me and loading up after the race!

To all you Bridge Run participants out there...I'm beyond proud of you!! Way to "get over it!" 

Now, more than 24 hours later, I still cannot move my legs properly and it hurts to go down stairs, but there is still more to celebrate about...

3.  Two Years:  Even though our anniversary is Tuesday, thanks to school, Ben and I had to celebrate our two year anniversary this weekend.  I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have been blessed with such a wonderful man in my life!  I thank God every day for allowing me to have Ben in my life!  (Sorry if this is embarassing you, Ben.)  I promise this will be short and sweet!  Thank you for the past two years! I love you! :)

So, after a great weekend filled with many celebrations, I am completely bummed that school is right around the corner.  There is so much to be done in only 4 weeks...I find myself questioning how in the world I am ever going to get it all done in time!!! But, then I realized, I've been wondering that all semester, and everything that has needed to be done, got done!  It is a constant battle with me to fight off the worries that parade in my mind.  I've decided that I enjoyed this weekend so much (because I completely forgot about school), that I'm going to continue each day in sort of the same way. (Unfortunately, I have to think about school a little bit for now...).  Why take school so seriously?  It has to be done, but it doesn't last forever! Thank goodness! 

"Don't take yourself so seriously.  Lighten up and laugh with Me.  You have Me on your side, so what are you worried about?  I can equip you to do absolutely anything, as long as it is My will.  The more difficult your day, the more I yearn to help you" -Jesus Calling

Lighten up everyone! (Including myself!)  I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful week filled with things to celebrate and be happy about!! If you open your eyes and look hard enough, you'll find these things!  If not, don't fret...I have a picture just for you!  Enjoy! :)