Hello again! I hope all of you that were on Spring Break had a fabulous week! It definitely goes by waaaay too quickly! Back to reality I guess...which means numerous papers and a test as soon as school starts back. Wow, that was really a downer..No more of that on this blog!! That is one of the main reasons for this specific post. Do you feel completely burnt out with this whole school thing? Some days, I am definitely ready to throw in the towel. I mean, we have been in school since we were 5...at age 22, I am a little sick of papers, tests and projects.
This has been an immense obstacle for me to overcome this past week. It is always hard to try and be productive with school work over a holiday! But then I got to thinking...in the long run, these small burdens of tests, papers and projects all pass. Every semester we take the time to fret about all that we are going to have to accomplish within a few months, but somehow, IT ALL GETS DONE. And when you look back, you have no idea how you did it!
I'm pretty sure I had a panic attack yesterday when I realized all I had procrastinated on this past week (but I thoroughly enjoyed every day I procrastinated). Holy hypocrite! I was worrying after I had blabbered on my last post about not worrying! Geez guys, maybe I should have given that up instead of cheese for lent! I needed a good reminder for myself that God has a plan for me, and fretting about it is not going to do me any good. I just need to bite the bullet and do my work. THIS TOO SHALL PASS! As long as I give my work my best effort, I will end up where I'm supposed to. There's no arguing with the Big Guy upstairs, He has an awesome plan for you and me, and He's not going to let school work get in the way of it!
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. -Romans 8:28
For those of y'all ending your spring break...don't worry!! It's already March, which means beautiful weather and a big break from school is coming (or graduation for some of you--Woot Woot!) Even with all of this rotton school work surrounding us right now, there are still so many wonderful things to be happy about! Some people around the world, and even in our own country, would kill to have an education! So, let's make the best of this so we can focus on the AWESOME plan that God has for us! It's going to be epic, so get excited! :)
"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart." -Rumi
Here is the happiest picture I've seen lately! Hope it puts a smile on your face! :)
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