So, for this next year of my life, I have planned to challenge myself to not worry so much. I was inspired by a sermon I heard yesterday morning at Seacoast. (It was awesome and if you'd like to see the podcast just go to and watch me, you want to watch it!) One of the greatest things that the Pastor stated was that worrying never gets anyone anywhere, or makes anything go away,so why waste your time doing it? Also, that 85% of the things we worry about NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPEN! Geez, that is a whole lot of time we are wasting worrying, when instead we could be experiencing all the joy that can be had in life!
The LORD directs our steps. so why try to understand everything along the way? -Proverbs 20:24
Wow! We really put way too much on ourselves that we don't actually have to handle on our own. In Philippians, Paul tells us to not worry about anything, but pray about everything! God is at work on the solution before any problem arises in our lives!--NOTHING catches Him off guard! I don't know about you, but that really takes a load off my shoulders! The challenge is remembering that neat fact daily! Why do we make life so much more difficult than it has to be? hmm...
Just remember this, only 15% of what you worry about is actually legit...but even then, we do not have to waste our lives worrying! We have a God who desires us to have an axiety-free life! I like the sound of that! (especially during mid-terms and approaching graduation!) So, if you are burdened by axieties or worries that you feel are so far out of your control, write them down, give them to God, and then throw that paper in the trash, and give the Good Lord some thanks! :)
Don't forget! There are great things in this world! Dwell on those bad boys instead of fretting!
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE-if anything is EXCELLENT or PRAISE WORTHY-think about such things." -Philippians 4:8
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