Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene who?...

Talk about fretting for nothing....way to go Hurricane Irene.  Now, to be fair, I was one of those people who was a bit nervous about that approaching storm.  For those of you who really know me, I have a super phobia of tornadoes.  I hate not knowing when it is coming, or where it's going to go.  I have absolutely no control over them, and that is probably why I am so petrified of them.  But, with a hurricane, I had time to prepare, make a plan, and I had safe places to go if I needed to.  I was actually looking forward to being able to "beat" scary weather...turns out the joke was on me (and all of Charleston).

Turns out all that planning, fretting and leaving work early was a WASTE!  Now, for those people north of us on the eastern coast, I am super glad that you all planned, fretted and left work early!! But, that is not the point to my rambling.  I feel like I am such a worry-wort. I get nervous when I do not have control over things (which happens a lot actually), and I forget the most important fact, that I don't have control over anything...I just think I do.

Little miss Irene got me matter how much we think we have control over something, we don't.  God has control over everything.  And thank goodness that He does.  I mean, it's silly really....for us to think we should have control over everything!  When we have a God who is more powerful than any natural disaster, any disease, or any fear, why would we want to take on all those things on our own?

This is my challenge for all you fine folks (and myself) this week....Stop trying to have complete control over everything!! It will never happen, and we should be thankful for that!  If we had all the control, can you imagine the havoc that would commence?  Holy cow! Instead, let's remind ourselves Who we should always be putting our trust and confidence in.  No matter what we face, we can rely on a God who has I complete control over every breath that we take.

"I want you to know how safe and secure you are in My Presence.  That is a fact, totally independent of your feelings.  You are on your way to heaven; nothing can prevent you from reaching that destination." -Jesus Calling

Are you smiling now? See you next week!

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